Many people have asked us to integrate our Customer Reviews app with the Store app. We thought it was a really good idea but it was technically challenging. We looked, coded and tested and looked some more till we found a solution for anyone that has:
We created a free small integration program that you can install on your website. The integration program will work well for most people but if you need support we have it available.
To help you test the integration without upgrading the Customer Review app please email with the email address you put in the app. We will enable the Customer Review upgrade for a few days so you can easily test the app without having to upgrade first. Please make sure all the other steps below are completed prior to asking for the trial period.
If you want to see how the app works on a live site have a look at
If the free integration software does not work for you you can hire one of us to customize the integration for you. If your integration fails you can hire one of us to fix it for you. Gurantee: If we fail to install or fix the integration then we will refund the installation or fix fee. Warranty: There is no warranty.
Lets get started.
Can you answer yes to these three questions:
If you can answer yes to all three questions great!
Please Note: That this solution is not backed by any warranty, use at it your own risk.
Please Note: There is no free support for this feature the reason is because it is not with in the realm of people trained in web support. If you want us to help you install it is $49. Installation support is we help you get it installed and working. If something changes and the integration breaks that is different. Fixing an existing installation that broke is $49. Installation is normaly very easy. Which is why we put the how to get the paid support option at the bottom of the page. Give the installation a shot you should be done in a just a few minutes.
Install the Customer Review app on the Product Page beneath the STORE PAGES.
Here is how to navigate to the Product Page
Install the Customer Review app beneath the product details.
You need to install on the bottom because the reviews will expand and expand and expand over time :-).
Make sure the Customer Review show different reviews on different pages is enabled.
Install the Wix Store app and Customer Review app connection file.
In the search box just type Tracking and select Custom Code.
Open the Bottom - End Section
Then copy and paste code below into the Paste the code snippet here field.